Monday, November 14, 2011

Island of fairies

I didn't post a lot this week, sorry about that, but I had some news which is going to affect the blog as well. Anyway, I'm back and I am here with a color-edited and cut picture of Île de la Cité with one of my favorite bridges, the Pont Neuf. I should rename this blog soon to a bridge blog maybe :) I cannot help posting pictures of them, they are so beautiful and the Seine is just perfectly narrow for these pretty bridges.

Click on the picture to see it better

So the title is Island of fairies because in my imagination it's a magic land where everything can happen. I can almost see Cinderella's pumpkin car going home on the bridge from a Rive Droite ball... Do you too?

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1 comment:

  1. I realy like this picture!Magic land is where i prefer to live, and sit on one of the magic Islends tree:))who know maybe all my dreams will come true..
