Sunday, October 23, 2011

News of the week

Let’s see what happened in the Hexagon this week.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the First Lady gave birth to baby Guilia on Wednesday. Félicitations!

There are presidential elections next year, and one of the biggest parties, the Parti Socialiste had its own election to see who their supporters want to see in their colors. François Hollande got most of the votes, so he is going to run for President in 2012.

On Friday the French Parliament, l’Assemblé National voted a tax on sweet drinks, even the ones which are made with artificial sweeteners. This means 2 eurocent per can. Half of the income will go to the National Health Insurance Fund, the other half will be used to finance the reduction of agricultural charges. The tax is double to the original they planned to introduce.

Crédit Suisse published a study about millionaires in the world. France is the first in the ranking in Europe and 3rd in the world – after the US and Japan – with its 2,6 million millionaires. Too bad I’m not one of them! :)

Stock market: CAC 40 3 171.34 Pts (-1,47% compared to last week)

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